Monday, July 21, 2014

Blood Circulatory Massager (S-780)

Blood Circulatory Massager (S-780)

Blood circulatory massager works in our body in three different ways. In vibration, it promotes blood circulation also it stimulates the acupoint on the feet and hands and build up pressure on it (called Reflexivity) and ability to massage which provide flexibility on our muscles.

So, we can say that BCM is based on

* Body's blood circulation by vibration
* Acupressure (Reflexology)
* Massage

1. BCM provides blood circulation nd helpful to remove blockage channels and blood vessles and give proper blood supply to whole body.
2. BCM press all the acupoints (reflex points) on the feet and hands that stimulates pressure which is helpful in treating and preventing diseases.
3. BCM has a remarkable ability to massage, that tones the muscles and increases the mascular flexibility.

Due to all these unique functional ability of BCM, it is vry effective against inflammation, pain, stiffness, fatigue, numbness and also activates the channels and improves micro circulation of the body.

Don't Use in case of following:

1. Varicose veins
2. Uncontrolled high blood pressure
3. Pregnancy
4. High fever
5. Menstruation
6. Menrrhagia
7. Hemarrhides
8. Kidney failure
9. Tuberculosis (TB)
10. Malignant Tumor
11. Cerebral Hemorrhage
12. Patients using Pace-maker or metallic implants in bones

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