Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Fruit, Vegetable, Water etc Cleaner (Ozine)

Fruit, Vegetable, Water etc  Cleaner (Ozine):

(A) General Product Description:

The active Oxygen detoxifier is active oxygen generation, the machine can be mounted on a wall or set on a shelf making sure that it is placed above the maximum water level of the container used for the detoxification. The containers not included in the supply, can be made of plastic or glass but never metal as copper, steel or aluminium. the items to be detoxified are placed in the container until its end and touch the button and let the active oxygen button up through he water.

(B) What is Active Oxygen?

The chemical symbol of oxygen in its natural state is O2. After being ionized the Oxygen becomes chemically active and acquires the allotropic symbol O3. Active oxygen acquires properties that makes highly reactive as an oxidizing agent. The disinfecting power of active oxygen is 600 to 3000 higher than chlorine without the ecological and practical disadvantage. No other chemical has found to be superior to active oxygen in this application.

(C) Function of active oxygen:

Active oxygen kills most germs and bacteria plus reacts with un-natural chemical compounds to make them inactive. Food products treated with active oxygen become safe for human consumption thus avoiding most common diseases related to food contamination and bad odors associated with contamination.

(D) Most Effective Product Application:

Removing traces of fertilizers and pesticides from vegetables, fruit and grain. Soak items to be processed in container filled with water standard load is 5 kg from 15 to 20 minutes after exposing to active oxygen. The items processed will be ready for consumption after being washed and cooked normally. Disinfecting and deodorizing chicken, fish, beef, and other meat products.
Soak items to be disinfected in a container filled with water for 30 minutes after treating with active oxygen.

Water Purification.
The pH value of portable water should stay between 6.99 and 8.06. Fill a 3 liter container with water to be treated and exposed to active oxygen for 40 minutes. Water is ready for drinking and cooking.

Disinfecting tableware and utensils, baby bottles, clothing and similar items to be disinfected in water and expose to active oxygen for 20 minutes. Disinfecting and deodorizing the refrigerator.

Skin and Mouth Benefits:
Fighting skin diseases and preventing from aging, wash faces and body to prevent from bacteria and germs infection that causes skin diseases and aging.
Mouth rinse dissolve some active oxygen in water and hold in water from 30 minutes to fight causes of tooth and gum deterioration.

Technical Characteristics of Model EHD-A

Power: 220 volt AC-50/60 Hz 
Power Consumption: 10.9 Watt
Maximum working: 40 minutes
Dimension: 20*7.5*2.5 com
Active oxygen Generation volume: 201 mg/hour
Weight: 1.5 Kg

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