Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cell Rejuvenation Capsules for cancer treatment, activate metabolism, killing free radicals etc.

Cell Rejuvenation Capsules;

Health Benefits:
As an herbal supplement, it provides following health benefits;

1. Prevention from cardio-vascular vessels sclerosis, cardiac infarction and senility; lowers malignant blood lipids and blood viscosity, improves micro circulation);
2. Prevention from diabetes; 
3.Elimination of free radicals and delaying senility
4. Improving immunity and prevetion from tumors
5. Improves anoxia resistance in the body

Take 4 capsules each time with warm/boiled water, three times a day. It can be taken along with other medicines and for longer duration.

150 mg capsule

1. This product is not intended to be used as a substitute of any drugs.

2. Don't exceed recommended dose and don't use with any supplement of the same kind

Keep in shady, cool and dry place at room temperature.

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